Perimeter Route (56km and 300m elevation gain): A classic route in the Alava plain, ideal for cycling at any time of the year. We depart from Vitoria heading east along the Vasco Navarro Greenway, and in just a few kilometers, we head north on narrow, traffic-free roads, connecting with the southernmost part of the Perimeter Route around the Ullíbarri-Gamboa Reservoir.

From this point, we embark on a 30-kilometer journey, continuously following the shoreline of the Ullíbarri-Gamboa Reservoir. Along the way, you’ll have the opportunity to spot numerous pairs of coots, grebes, divers, and mallards, as well as rarer species such as the purple heron, gadwall, and northern shoveler. During migration and winter, this wetland provides shelter and sustenance to numerous waterfowl, waders, and wading birds.

In the westernmost part of the reservoir, we’ll deviate from the route and head south on the Vasco Navarro Greenway back to Vitoria.

gravel bike route alava
Time kms km/h Ascent Descent
3:53h 56 14,4 240 240
Felipe Luzuriaga Lurbide
Felipe Luzuriaga

Exciclista de competición en carretera y MTB, guía ciclista y alma mater de Lurbide, empresa de guiado de rutas gravel y MTB. Dispone del certificado de profesionalidad de guía por itinerarios en bicicleta y tiene formación tanto en mecánica de la bicicleta como en primeros auxilios y en seguridad vial para ciclistas. Es, además, presidente de IMBA Álava (International Mountain Bicycling Association).